Vacation Bible School week means all sorts of people working together for the spiritual benefits of the kids that attend here on our church campus starting tomorrow evening. This week Priscilla and Tami came over and painted a VBS mural on our Greenleaf windows. Plus a group of you have been out in the neighborhood inviting our church campus neighbors to attend VBS. And some of you are staying after church today to set up. And some of you are bringing snacks and toys for the treasure chest. Then there are the slides and rooms and music to get ready. And pray for this year’s VBS leader, Sheri Elisaldez.

Summer Sunday meets tonight at 5:30 for dinner in the shade of my back yard. We have shady seating and plenty of parking for you. It’s Italian Night tonight and can testify that it tastes great.

Concerts in the Park meets tomorrow night. See ad in bulletin for details. If you are helping out in VBS there are plenty more Monday Night Concerts in the Park for you to attend after tomorrow.

I just calculated that all of my sons were involved in camping programs already this summer: My son, Ryan, headed up the Whittier Explorer Camp for a week. My son, Riley, counseled a group of Jr. High boys for a week at Forest Home. My son, Rory, is part of the team of high school students backpacking/camping out of Bass Lake right now.  What about Claudia and I? We are doing our camping at Forest Home later this month (More comforts than my sons had. We get chocolate chip shakes, yeah).

I’ve added Darin Elisaldez to my prayer list since I last wrote to you. Plus, we’ve added Lee to our prayer list. Lee is the gal who prays in our Prayer Huddle right after the service and she always prays for others and not herself. It’s her turn right now.

My message of July 3rd was from 1 Timothy 2:1-4. Today’s message is ARE YOU READY FOR YOUR REWARD? It is a verse-by-verse study of 1 Corinthians 3:10-15.

God’s best to you,

Pastor Richard



We were talking with my grand daughter, Haylee, about someday she will be in eleventh grade in high school. She thought a moment and then proclaimed these words about how long into the future that will be.