We had funeral services for Lucy Salazar, Lydia’s mom, right here on church campus yesterday. Services were also held for longtime church member Evie Moen just yesterday.

Pastor Roy Halberg is raising money for WATER FOR GOOD as he bikes across America beginning this May. You can support his ministry by following the link below or by mailing a check to Water for Good.

Or send a check to water for good marked “Roy’s Ride” to

Water for Good

PO Box 247

Winona Lake, IN 46590

Last Sunday, we looked at the end of Matthew 25 and asked WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO DO GREAT THINGS FOR GOD? Today, Pastor Paul is bringing the heat of God’s Word to us.

A "Guys Getaway" for men and their older sons led by Pastors Tom Hocking & Rich Todd is being held the weekend of April 27-29. Get away, connect with God and each other, and re-ignite a passion for radical Christian living. There will be opportunities on Friday before the retreat as well as Saturday afternoon for some off-roading adventures. $130 [includes food, lodging, high ropes adventure, paint ball, recreation, etc.] 

Contact me for payment details.

Claudia and I have invited some of folks to attend the Whittier Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast with us on Good Friday morning. Dr. Barry Corey, President at Biola University, is the guest speaker this year. Speak with Claudia if you would like details on how to reserve a spot for yourself and others. Or go to

Join me for Walking in the Word today at 5:30 in the Chapel.

God’s best to you,

Pastor Richard