On January 28 we studied Mark 4 and considered the parable of the Sower and the Seed. February 4th we read in Matthew 13 and considered WHEN THE LORD IS DOING HIS WORK THE DEVIL IS DOING HIS WORK. This was the parable of the sower and the seed. Today, we are going to read in Ephesians 4 and consider how to have A RELATIONSHIP THAT GOES THE DISTANCE.
Join Claudia and I for the Silver Palace lunch on February 18th. We need you to sign up at the Information Center today if you are coming.
Every February the churches in the Whittier area meet on the second Saturday for a day of prayer. It’s a great idea that God’s people come together for prayer. This year’s Prayer Summit was yesterday. attended several times during the day beginning around 9:30am. It is always one of my special times of spiritual charging during the month.
We are planning on a brief tea minute meeting right after church today in the auditorium to bring you up to date on the sale of our church campus.
Our ministerial examining team will be meeting with two men this coming Tuesday at the request of several of our churches. Pray for these men: Justin and Dave.
I want to remind you of our purpose as a church family on a regular basis. Here is how we are presenting our mission: Community Grace Brethren Church is endeavoring to be the family of God together in joyful, Christ-centered worship and is committed to: leading men, women, and children to a personal saving faith in Jesus Christ; building ourselves in the faith on the Word of God; and serving others here and throughout the world.
God’s best to you,
Pastor Richard