It was the singing, the Bible stories, the Gospel being shared, and the big cross where kids were posting notes to God on it. It was playing Red Rover and Dodge Ball and cutting up squares of aluminum foil for something and classes meeting inside popup tents in the plaza. What was really cool was the first thing you did when you arrived and registered you had a chance to post a prayer request on the board. The boys and girls club down the street? No, it was Vacation Bible School this past week here on our church campus.
Every summer a group of missionaries, church leaders and pastors that are part of our fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches worldwide meet up for a time of planning, prayer and fellowship. This year the gathering is in Toronto, Canada. I will be representing you and our church family at that conference that begins July 22 and continues through July 25. I plan to rejoin you July 31 in worship. You can follow the schedule of events for this conference at
You can follow our activities in Toronto on Facebook at “GraceConnect”
Summer Sunday today starts at 5:30 with pizza (provided) and then Bible Answer Men at 6:30. There is a sheet in your bulletin today (also at Information Center) to submit a question or submit one tonight when you arrive.
I appreciate your prayers in my travels this coming Thursday traveling to Toronto and then Tuesday, July 26 on my return trip.
Right after Labor Day in September we are going to turn to God’s Word on Sunday mornings and consider WHAT OF THE FUTURE? We’ve got a lot of ground to cover so get ready.
We are partnering with the Hispanic Outreach Taskforce in their Backpack Giveaway again at the end of this month. Speak with Oralia in the Church Office to help out.
God’s best to you,
Pastor Richard