Mom Liz Milian was leading us in worship a few weeks ago but found it hard to breath for two and sing out at the same time. It will be easier for Liz to sing now that her daughter, Emyliah Caroline Millian, was born on June 30.
I have a CONGRATULATIONS card for you to sign today for Mommy Liz and family. Angela Pompa has it so just touch base with her today before you leave campus.
My message on June 26 was from 2 Timothy 2 where I had been wanting to speak to you from Scripture on the issue WITNESSING BY SHOUTING. The Bible shows us how not to ARGUE WITH UNBELIEVERS. Our Scripture study today is from 1 Timothy 2.
We did a Graduation Congratulation for Christopher Bates on July 26th. We also congratulated Charlene Limen. And we have at least one more congratulation ahead.
I am sooooo excited to share with you that some of you went out in the neighborhood just yesterday to invite our neighbors to join us in Vacation Bible School this year. VBS is July 11-15. Sheri Elisaldez is the director. Speak with her if you would like to help out. The theme this year is WEIRD ANIMALS.
REMEMBER, no Summer Sunday today due to the Independence Day holiday.
Also, REMEMBER that there is no Concert in the Park tomorrow evening. They resume July 11th.
The Grace Brethren churches in Southern California and Arizona have rebranded under the name Grace Churches Network, which will serve as the doing-business-as name for their corporate name, Grace Brethren Conference of Southern California–Arizona, Inc. At the same time, the district ministerium in the region has adopted the name, the Grace Leaders Network.
God’s best to you,
Pastor Richard