Happy Easter (3/27/16)

My Easter celebrations began on Palm Sunday morning when we opened Scriptures to John 12 and studied the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Palm Sunday evening us Todds observed communion with you in a very special evening together. Claudia and I continued our Easter observances with the Whittier Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast on Good Friday that some of you joined more than 400 people at. Our speaker was once a Navy Seal. Then we had our Good Friday service here on campus where Tim Ramos brought the message from Luke 23. And yes, I heard my favorite Good Friday song, VIA DOLOROSA. We met together at the Sunrise Service this morning and we are now together with you in worship of our risen Lord. This afternoon? Easter Sunday afternoon our Todd clan will be gathering in our back yard with family to celebrate.

Even though bunnies, eggs and other commercial images saturate the marketplace, 55 percent of Americans polled identified Jesus as the most recognized symbol of Easter.  Even 41 percent of people who do not identify themselves as Christians associate Christ on the cross with the holiday.  Only 11 percent selected the Easter Bunny, eggs and jelly beans, while 16 percent associated Easter with family gatherings. The true meaning of Easter wins out over the consumer-driven aspect of the holiday.  Let’s get the TRUE STORY out there. 

Claudia and I have a painting at our house that we pass by every day. The title of the painting is RISEN. We’ve brought it to church today in the hope that you also will be blest by it. Enjoy!

We started our journey to the cross on March 13th walking with Jesus in Luke 9 as He headed towards Jerusalem. We moved to the Triumphal Entry on Palm Sunday with Kyle Cherryholmes speaking on THE GREATEST PARADE IN HISTORY from John 12. And today we consider an Easter challenge, BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT. Do you really believe that Jesus Christ physically rose from the dead?

Please note that there is no Walking in the Word today at 5:30. We resume April 3rd.

Christ is risen, indeed!

Pastor Richard