Join me on Easter Sunday for a community Sunrise Service just a few blocks away from our church campus. Yes, I know it starts at 6AM. I’ve put flyers at the Information Center for you to pick up.
I’ve put some EASTER INVITE door hangers for you to invite a friend or neighbor to come to church with you on Easter Sunday.
A new home fellowship has started in LaMirada that may be the beginning of a new church. Paul Hoffman is heading up this group and they are studying the book of Philippians on Wednesday evenings. Contact me if you’d like more info on this ministry.
I’ve prepared a summary of the Church family business meeting we had on March 13 and placed copies at the Information Center for you today.
Our church kids are preparing a special presentation to share with you on Easter Sunday morning.
We’ve got a special announcement on one of you today that was recognized in the Whittier Daily News this week.
Take note of the special Easter season events here at Community that include communion today and a Good Friday service here on campus. I have placed a communion booklet at the Information Center for you that explains how we participate. Tim Ramos will be bringing the Good Friday message.
We started our journey to the cross on March 13th walking with Jesus in Luke 9 as He headed towards Jerusalem. We move to the Triumphal Entry today with Kyle Cherryholmes speaking on THE GREATEST PARADE IN HISTORY.
We were blest with team Liz and Ben on March 13th leading us in worship. We are looking to have them lead us for a few more weeks before Liz heads back home in Arizona.
God’s best to you,
Pastor Richard