WATER FOR GOOD is a special international organization that is headed by Jim Hocking. They are helping people in several countries in Africa get clean water by digging wells and training them to maintain those same wells. Jim and his wife, Faye, will be here today at 5:30pm to share with us (in the Chapel). All of you are invited.
The special Sundays of Advent begin with our worship services today. Each Sunday before Christmas one of you families will share the theme of the week, share a Scripture portion and lead us in prayer. Don’t miss any of these Advent times with the final presentation being our Christmas Eve service.
THANK YOU GALS for how pretty our church looks today with the decorations of advent. A group of you came out on November 27th to DINE N DECORATE.
We said our parting earthly words to June Castello this week as she departed this world for the next. She died early Wednesday morning. Her memorial service will be December 1 at 11:30 at Rose Hills (enter at Gate 1 and ask for instructions). There will be a reception here in the Plaza afterwards.
We have been looking for the footsteps of Jesus in the Old Testament in recent Sunday messages. We just looked in the book of Job and found one of the great Old Testament passages in Job 19:25-27. Today we look at the footsteps of Jesus in the Psalms.
Let us thank God,
Pastor Richard
REMINDER ONE: Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes need to be here on campus no later than November 29th.
REMINDER TWO: Speak with Sheri Elisaldez today to reserve your seats for the Christmas party on December 6th.