TODAY'S THE DAY (12/6/15)

The special Sundays of Advent began November 29 and continue through our Christmas Eve service. Each Sunday before Christmas day one of you families will share the theme of the week, share a Scripture portion and lead us in prayer. Don’t miss any of these Advent times with the final presentation being our Christmas Eve service. Hector and Margie Martinez shared on the first Sunday.

The Daily Breads for December, January and February are available at the Information Center today.

Our Church Family Christmas dinner is today at 5pm in our Plaza. It is always a special family time together. Many of you are bringing friends and family.  Check with Oralia or at the Information Center if you haven’t made your reservations. Please do not just SHOW UP without speaking with Oralia or Sheri first. And remember to dress warm.

Some of you may ask me today, PASTOR RICH, WHY WERE YOU STANDING IN YOUR FRONT YARD FRIDAY AFTERNOON FOR SUCH A LONG TIME? I was standing there because a coyote had adopted my front porch and every time I approached my front door, the coyote came towards me saying THE PORCH IS MINE? Yes, I called the police department and asked for help.

Kyle Cherryholmes is sharing God’s Word with us today. His title is GOD’S GOT A PLAN. Bring the heat, Kyle.

Thank you for standing with Frank Castello this week at the service for June.

A group of pastors and missionaries will be gathering here on our Greenleaf campus this Tuesday to share and pray for each other. I am glad to be able to share our facilities with them when so many churches do not have a campus.

November 29 we followed the footsteps of Jesus in the Old Testament book of Psalms. We looked at Psalm 2, 22, and 72.

Plan to come together on Christmas Eve for our Family Christmas Eve service. It will start at 5:30 and be about one hour. If you or your family would like to share a Scripture or poem or song, speak with me.

I like saying, MERRY CHRISTMAS,

Pastor Richard