The attacks in Paris, France of November were far away for us here in Los Angeles yet near in a number of ways. Our missionary partner, Jim Hocking, who is speaking here at Community next week was at the airport just minutes from Paris when the bombs and shots were fired. And the gal from CSULB that was shot was a friend of some of you here in and went to school with you. And our missionary partner, Patty Morris is ministering in the city of Lyon which was the home of one of the terrorists.

Join me this Thursday, Thanksgiving morning, at 10am in our Chapel for 60 minutes (not 61 minutes) of giving thanks to the Lord. We sing and pray and give testimony but no sermon.

DINE N DECORATE happens the day after Thanksgiving. It’s a bunch of you gals that gather here on campus and enjoy home made chili and cornbread and decorate the church for the upcoming Christmas season. Starts at 6pm.

Did you read about my Krispy Kreme loss in my last blog to you? Well, two Krispy Kremes showed up for me here on campus a few days ago. Thank you.

WATER FOR GOOD is a special international organization that is headed by Jim Hocking. Jim will be here on November 29 at 5:30pm to share with us (in the Chapel). All of you are invited. 

The special Sundays of Advent begin with our worship services on November 29th. Each Sunday before Christmas day one of you families will share the theme of the week, share a Scripture portion and lead us in prayer. Don’t miss any of these Advent times with the final presentation being our Christmas Eve service.

Let us thank God,

Pastor Richard


REMINDER ONE: Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes need to be here on campus no later than November 29th.

REMINDER TWO: Speak with Sheri Elisaldez today to reserve your seats for the Christmas party on December 6th.