WATER FOR GOOD (11/15/15)

THE CHARIS COMMITMENT TO COMMON IDENTITY is an agreement people in countries where our Brethren missionaries are serving have adopted. Our American missionaries used to share what the believers in America held as biblical convictions but now they have studied the Scriptures and come to a common agreement. Want to read the latest update from their gathering in Thailand? I’ve put some copies at the Information Center for you.

WATER FOR GOOD is a special international ordination that is headed by Jim Hocking. Jim will be here on November 29 at 5:30pm to share with us (in the Chapel). All of you are invited. 

If your Thanksgiving day schedule allows, join us here on campus at 10:00am for one hour of praising the Lord in song and testimony. And if you or your family have something to share with us like a song or special reading, talk with me.

As we went to press on Friday there are 18 of our gals headed to Calvary Chapel Conference Center in Murietta Hot Springs for our Southwest region women’s conference that concludes today. Pray for their concluding service that is going on now as we are worshipping here in Whittier. And remember us men whose wives are away for the weekend who have to rush home after church and check that HONEY DO LIST to get our kitchen and house back in order).

I suggest you follow the Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches news feed on fgbc.org or send a text to 40404 with “follow fgbc” in the message body.

REMINDER ONE: Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes need to be here on campus no later than November 29th.

REMINDER TWO: Speak with Sheri Elisaldez today to reserve your seats for the Christmas party on December 6th.

God’s best to you,

Pastor Richard



Can you believe someone stopped here on our church campus and offered everyone present a Krispy Kreme donut this week? And wouldn’t you know it but I was with some of you men at the church leaders meeting down in Long Beach.