Today is the last day for me to remind you to use every day of the year to witness and share your faith, INCLUDING HALLOWEEN EVENING. Remember the Psalm that says THE EARTH IS THE LORD’S AND THE FULNESS THEREOF. I have put some Halloween Gospel tracts at the Information Center for you today (while supplies last). Take what you can use.
I always appreciate when people remind me about the upcoming time change each spring and fall. I like the one fall time change where we set our clocks backwards but I don’t look forward to the payback event in the spring. Nevertheless, it is coming this next weekend. A word to the wise….
June Castello is the gal who has shared updates with us about our missionary partners. She sends us her greetings and looks to be back with us soon. She sends special greets to Kyle (the Irish bearded one).
And a special word to you comes from Larry and Linda who have been absent from us for an extended period. Larry is in poor health right now. See Peter or me for an update.
Trevor and Paloma were married up in Big Bear area yesterday. Congrats to them. See Josh for some pictures from the event.
We will be in our JOURNEY WITH JESUS, part two today. I am asking WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU ARE LOST as we study the nineteenth chapter of Luke?
Tim Ramos taught from God’s Word on October 18th. I always enjoy the blessings of a special speaker and your comments afterwards of GOD SPOKE TO ME FROM THAT MESSAGE. And I heard that from you.
8109 met on October 18th outdoors here on campus (twinkle lights and all).
God’s best to you,
Pastor Richard