I love going up to my clocks and setting them back one hour like we just did yesterday and this morning. Stay up late then set your clocks back like you earned an extra hour. But all those who worked last night ended up working longer.

June Castello called us this week to report she is home and on a slow mend path. She sends her prayers and love.

We stood with Linda Headley a few days ago up at Rose Hills when we remembered Larry’s passing on October 24th. Thank you for those who stood with her and are still standing with her.

Esperanza Adult Bible Fellowship on Sunday mornings is now studying the book of Joshua. This is a Spanish and a little bit of English adult group that meets at 9:30am. Join us next Sunday.

All our clocks here on campus were adjusted this week in preparation for the time change. Don’t thank me. Thank Lynn Sapp.

Why did Jesus come to earth? This is the question we asked as we considered the words of Jesus in Luke 19 on October 25th. The words were TO SEEK AND TO SAVE THE LOST. Today we are asking WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES HIS LIFE MAKE? We will open to Colossians 1 beginning with verse 15 to speak to that question.

If your Thanksgiving day schedule allows, join us here on campus at 10:am for one hour of praising the Lord in song and testimony. 

Consider taking an Operation Christmas Child shoebox home with you today.

God’s best to you,

Pastor Richard