You may have heard about the claims of a discovery of an Egyptian army buried a the bottom of the Red Sea. I checked and there is a high likelihood that this information is bogus. You can read more at
Claudia and I are out of town this morning for a church family wedding. We will be returning later today. And yes, I will be at Walking N the Word at 5:30.
You can see some of the October 4th Church Picnic photos on the monitor in the lobby today.
Plan now how you want to share the gospel on Halloween evening. I have some special attractive tracts we will use at our house. If you want to order a quantity I suggest you go to and order their tract titled, “A Halloween Quiz.” I have put some samples for you on the table in the lobby. One per person. Contact me or the church office if you want to purchase a quantity.
Here’s a portion of Scripture that I would suggest you consider during this year of 2015. I’ll point it out periodically as we gather. “Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; His greatness no one can fathom. One generation commends Your works to another; they tell of Your mighty acts. They speak of the glorious splendor of Your majesty–and I will meditate on Your wonderful works” Psalm 145:3-5.
8109 meets again tonight at 6:30.
We began a new series on October 11th with THE GREATEST MAN THAT EVER LIVED. I will resume the series on October 25th.
God's best to you,
Pastor Richard