TURN YOUR CAMPUS is a one-day training event for student leaders and the adults who disciple & mentor them. This event will be Saturday, January 23rd at Biola University. Speak with Sheri Elisaldez today to sign up.

We have been studying various glimpses of Jesus in the Old Testament since this past fall with breaks for the holidays and other events. I want to share a book with you I received for Christmas that points out many of the glimpses of Jesus in the Old Testament. It is titled THE EMMAUS CODE by David Limbaugh. Want to read it? Just ask at the Information Center to borrow it. If it has been checked out already, stop by next Sunday.

Claudia and I have been out of town this past week and are planning to join you in worship today at 10:45 if we get our flight out of New York on time on Saturday, January 16th.

I will be opening God’s Word with you today to 1 Samuel 4 where we will consider WHAT CAN WE DO TO PRESERVE GOD’S POWER IN OUR LIVES?

Walking in the Word resumes today at 5:30 in the Chapel. We will be studying in Joshua 16.

For those of you wondering how much reading I got done on vacation this past week the answer is that I completed one book and started a second one.

TK is planning on being with us on Sunday morning, January 31 for a joint Adult Bible Fellowship gathering. That same evening he and Ed Lewis will be hosting a CE National Celebration down in Long Beach that I invite you to attend with me.

Your record of giving here at Community will be available near the end of the month. See Larry Olguin with questions.

2016 could be the year that Jesus returns.

Pastor Richard



Kyle was preaching recently on the subject of “God Has a Plan” when he spoke these words.