Claudia and I are gone with the wind and out of town today for some R&R. We plan to return at the end of this week and I plan on opening God’s Word with you on January 17th.
We have been studying various glimpses of Jesus in the Old Testament since this past fall with breaks for the holidays and other events. I want to share a book with you I received for Christmas that points out many of the glimpses of Jesus in the Old Testament. It is titled THE EMMAUS CODE by David Limbaugh. Want to read it? Just ask at the information Center to borrow it. If it has been checked out already, stop by the next week.
Do you want to know the name of the games Claudia & I played on New Year’s Eve? The first game where Claudia got whipped cream on her face was PIE FACE. The second game is called, THAT’S IT! I recommend both. My grandson recommends PIE FACE!
What books am I working on reading on vacation? I always take a book or two or three (or four but don’t tell Jet Blue why my luggage is so heavy) on my vacations. This trip I am taking the book THEY CALL ME COACH (a gift from one of you). I am also packing Joel Rosenberg’s latest book, THE FIRST HOSTAGE. My third book is the latest Tom Clancy release. My fourth is UNBROKEN. I hope I get time to read them all.
Walking in the Word will not be meeting today. Our studies in the book of Joshua will resume on January 17.
TURN YOUR CAMPUS is a one-day training event for student leaders and the adults who disciple & mentor them. This event will be Saturday, January 23rd at Biola University. Speak with Sheri Elisaldez to sign up.
I have received some treasure Scriptures from you in choosing a passage of the year to share with you during 2016. I plan to share with you soon.
2016 could be the year that Jesus returns.
Pastor Richard
We announced on January 3rd in our service that Sam Becerra is heading back for his final semester at Grace College in Indiana. The announcement of his departure for Indiana sounded grimmer than intended.