We began a short series called NO LITTLE PEOPLE in the Bible on September 13th when we focused on a young gal in 2 Kings 5. We looked at a young gal who saved her brother’s life and grew up to be a prophetess of Israel on September 20th. We are now shifting gears and going to the Gospel of Luke to begin a series on THE MAN WHO CHANGED THE WORLD.
Don’t forget it is pizza day today. If you have not ordered yet please stop by the Information Center and tell them how many pizzas you want to buy so they can plan best for you. And all the profits go to the youth group.
The Jewish feast of Sukkot begins at sunset of Sunday, September 27, 2015 and ends nightfall of Sunday, October 4, 2015. This is a time Jewish folks commemorate the wilderness years of depending on the Lord to provide. I have prepared an information sheet on this holiday and placed copies at the Information Center for you today.
A group of you fathers and sons attended the Father/Son Retreat at Forest Home last weekend. Our registrar for next year’s retreat is Sheri Elisaldez. Contact her to reserve spots for you and your son(s).
We celebrated with Ted & Claudia Paas on September 20 as they dedicated their daughter, HANNAH DAMARIS PAAS, to the Lord in a special ceremony.
SERVE WHITTIER is a group of Christians living in this area (Whittier and surrounding communities) that will be meeting on October 10th to discuss the current state of homelessness in the Whittier area and how we as a community can best address this issue. I have placed a flyer for you with details at the Information Center.
Yes, our 8109 group meet on Sunday evening, September 20, in an outdoor service outside the Plaza. See their Facebook page for photos.
Larry and Linda Headley send their greetings to us. Our Walking n the Word crowd joined them for a time of sharing and prayer last Sunday.
Summer was supposed to end on September 23rd. What happened to this extended summer?
God’s best to you,
Pastor Richard