Today is THANK GOD FOR HIS WORK IN US AND THROUGH US DAY so that will be the focus of our Scripture message. Several of you men will be bringing the heat of Scripture to bear in our hearts.
Join me today for our Annual Celebration Picnic at Central Park after the conclusion of our morning service. See details in the ad inside this bulletin. There is plenty of shade at the park from the trees. The temperature? COOL (see slide in service)! Compared to Palm Springs at 118 degrees it will be cool. Plenty of food and time to share with one another. And games and other stuff. Chairs and tables will be set up by our youth for you.
We had a nice surprise for you on September 27th with Ed Waken being available to speak to us from God’s Word in our Sunday morning worship service. Ed and his wife, Debbie, were here in the LA area for some family gatherings so when I heard he didn’t have a preaching commitment, I booked him to speak here to us. And he did. His declaration was JESUS BELIEVES IN YOU from John 14:12 and he challenged us to get on our knees in prayer and rise telling God we want to be His disciple.
Us Todd’s ate four pizzas at our youth group pizza sale on September 27. Some of you took the pizzas you purchased home or to a park to cool off. After all the bills were paid there were profits of $261.52 that were set aside to help send our youth to Momentum Youth Conference in summer, 2016.
The next 8109 is scheduled for October 18.
Plan now how you want to share the gospel on Halloween evening. I have some special attractive tracts coming to share with you. If you want to order a quantity I suggest you go to and order their tract titled, “A Halloween Quiz.” I always pass the tract we hand out to some of my family to see if passes the GETS KIDS ATTENTION test. This one does.
God’s best to you,
Pastor Richard