Our fellowship of churches in America met in July in Freemont, Ohio. During the week of meetings there was discussion that 1) we would rename our fellowship from the NFGBC to a name yet to be decided upon. 2) Encompass World Partners announced that decisions in their organization would be cast by their supporting churches. 3) Church planting will be accomplished by a new organization now called ASSIST. Want more details on this and other matters? Ask me.

A group of Christians have produced a film with a message of faith and are calling it THE HEART OF MAN. It will be shown one day on September 14 and only in select theaters in the Whittier area and across the United States. Consider attending with an unbelieving friend or family member.

Let’s plan on getting together as a church family on Sunday, September 24th after the morning service when I will give you an update on our church and the path we are on.  Sign up today at the information Center for what you will bring.

We continue our series in the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes today. We have tackled WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE from chapter 1. Secondly, we have considered WHAT IS THE MEANING OF PLEASURE from chapter 2. Today we look at chapter 3 and consider WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU ARE OUT OF BREATH?

I met with the group of Whittier pastors this past Thursday at Plymouth at 7:30 am. We meet monthly to pray for you and one another.

Our Sunday lunch brunch group celebrated at Sizzlers on Rosemead on September 3rd.

God’s best to you,

Pastor Richard