I'm home and not leaving anytime soon (8/6/17)

Claudia and I returned home yesterday from being up in the local mountains for the week at Forest Home family camp. Every day was full of fun and food plus great child care plus Bible teachers from all over the United States. Our speakers were Josh McDowell and his son, Sean. Josh taught from various passages on family relationships and Sean spoke on belief and unbelief then Dueteronomy 6. Some years a group of you families come with us. Speak with Claudia or myself if you are interested in attending with us in 2018. Forest Home is the same conference center that our Willing Workers and Men’s Retreats have attended.

The Memorial Service for Dr. Wayne Flory will be Sunday afternoon, August 13 at 1:30 pm.  It will be held at Los Altos Grace Brethren Church, 6565

Stearns Street in Long Beach. Dr. Wayne was the first preaching pastor we had here at Community when we started out all those years ago.

Pastor Tom Hughes was Lead Pastor here at Community during the 1980s. He is retired now and lives in Bakersfield with his son, Thomas and his family. You can mail to Pastor Tom Hughes at 1611 Howard Avenue in Bakersfield, CA93308. 

God’s best to you,

Pastor Richard Todd



Some believers from another assembly were going around sharing recently that a simple prayer to God would bring abundant blessings of good health and riches coming into your life. One of you heard this comment and responded sharing this thought.