WE SEND OUR PRAYERS TO GOD’S PEOPLE AT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH IN SUTHERLAND SPRINGS, TEXAS as they are finishing up their November 12th worship service. Their tragedy began one week ago on November 5th as we were worshipping here at 8109 Greenleaf.
A group of our gals are down at the Calvary Chapel Conference Center at Murietta Hot Springs this weekend for a retreat. Pray for them as they conclude their final service now and then return home this afternoon.
We opened our church campus this past Tuesday to those people in our neighborhood that voted in the local elections. People came to our Plaza to vote. We trust that we are sowing seeds in the Spirit of Christ whenever we host a community event where we can share our church campus.
Carol Duran took a tumble at our Silver Palace dinner on October 29th. She took a second tumble a few days later. She is recovering now and hope to have her back with us soon if not today. Alexis also took a tumble in recent days and hopes to be back with us soon.
We observed the 500th anniversary of the reformation on November 5th. The three key passages we considered related to 1) the gospel as seen in Romans 1:16-17, 2) the Scriptures as seen in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and 3) the priesthood of believers as seen in 1 Peter 2:9.
Mark your calendars now for Sunday, November 19, when Jim Hocking will be with us. Jim had surgery earlier this month and is recovering now. His doctor has released him to travel out here from Indiana in November. Jim works with Water for Good in the Central African Republic. He will be sharing a report on the ministry and their goals for the next few years. Plan on hearing Jim at the 9:30 hour in the Chapel and then in Worship and then for lunch.
Mark your calendars for our Thanksgiving service which will be held on Wednesday evening, November 22 at 7pm in our chapel.
Sign up soon for our Church family Christmas dinner on December 10th.
God’s best to you,
Pastor Richard