Turning our clocks back this coming weekend is one of the annual events I vote to make it a national holiday. We get to stay up an hour later. Just make sure you don’t come to church early or late on Sunday morning.
Today is the last day for me to remind you to use every day of the year to witness and share your faith, INCLUDING HALLOWEEN EVENING. Remember the Psalm that says THE EARTH IS THE LORD’S AND THE FULNESS THEREOF.
Sermon Summary: We all have hopes and dreams for our lives, and most of us work hard to achieve those dreams. Is that a good thing? Is ambition something to celebrate, or repent of? That’s what we considered on October 22 in the book of Ecclesiastes.
Mark your calendars now for Sunday, November 19, when Jim Hocking will be with us. Jim had surgery earlier this month and is recovering now. His doctor has released him to travel out here from Indiana in November. Jim works with Water for Good in the Central African Republic. He will be sharing a report on the ministry and their goals for the next few years. Plan on hearing Jim at the 9:30 hour in the Chapel and then in Worship and then for lunch.
Pastor Jeff Bogue oversees a church of more than 7,000 worshippers in Akron, Ohio. Jeff was out here in Los Angeles a few days ago and shared with our group the core values of his church. He calls them THE VALUES OF GRACE CHURCH. I’ve placed some copies of these values at the information Center for your review. You will enjoy considering them.
Our annual Women’s Retreat is coming in two weeks.
Mark your calendars for our Thanksgiving service which will be held on Wednesday evening, November 22 at 7pm in our chapel.
God’s best to you,
Pastor Richard
We have been studying in the book of Ecclesiastes on Sunday mornings since Labor Day so the answer is YES. And the other answer is TODAY IS OUR LAST STUDY IN ECCLESIASTES.