Priscilla Ramos and Damien Galvan were baptized at our final 2016 Summer Sunday gathering on August 21. Both of them testified in word that “JESUS IS MY LORD” and then were baptized. It’s a great testimony when someone proclaims it. Interesting that Philippians 2 says all of humanity will one day make this confession. It’s just a question of when. Sooner or later. I prefer sooner.
We say WELCOME BACK to David Fierro who is back from recent surgery. The doctor said he can’t bowl anytime soon.
We say WELCOME BACK to Hector and Margie Martinez who are back from a special vacation back East. Ask them about it and also ask them about the great Mexican food in Holland, Michigan.
We say WELCOME HOME to Carolyn Peak who just returned from her annual vacation to a farm in Indiana (ask her for details).
We are LOOKING FORWARD to welcoming back Angie Garcia from an extended hospital stay but it will still be a few weeks before she rejoins us.
My BIRTHDAY RADAR is on today for people who have SUNDAY BIRTHDAYS. Ask Peter Wain.
Sally Rojas, it was nice to meet your sister and her husband on August 21 during their California visit from North Carolina. Turns out the husband and I lived a few blocks from each other when I lived in South Carolina a long time ago (ok, a long, long time ago).
Remember, no Summer Sunday today and no Concert in the Park tomorrow night.
God’s best to you,
Pastor Richard
Our Summer Sunday speaker for August 21st was Pastor Roy Halberg. He walked us through the Old Testament book of Habakkuk and challenged us to say these words out loud. He then challenged us to say GOD IS DOING SOMETHING IN MY LIFE TODAY.