Today is the final day of SERVE WHITTIER weekend where people from approximately 40 churches in Whittier have done one or more acts of compassion all in the name of Jesus. Our church project this year was individuals doing special acts of compassion like Jesus spoke of in Matthew 25. Would you like to participate in a group project next year? Speak with Claudia Todd today to join in.

This coming Thursday morning the ministers of churches in the Whittier area will be meeting here on campus for their monthly gathering.  These are churches like Pastor Sam Gamboa from Good Shepherd Bible Church and Pastor Jim Ortiz from My New Friends House and Pastor David from Faith Community and you get the idea. We will meet in the Plaza for lunch then a time of sharing and prayer. 

You can view the photos from the recent Forest Home Men’s Conference we attended on the monitor in the lobby today.

I hope you heard Linda Headley the other Sunday say those beautiful words of commitment with you when she said YOU CAN COUNT ON ME.

You and I and all of us in attendance on April 17 here on campus prepared a video message for Lydia Salazar and then for her mom, Lucy:

We love you, Lydia

We are your family

We miss you being with us

Larry Olguin has the videos we prepared on Sunday morning, April 17, for Lydia and Lucy. He is taking the videos to show to them (or has already done so).

We tackled a few more questions of spiritual growth on April 24 from Philippians 1:6. I’ve titled the message Measuring Your Growth in God’s Grace.

We had a special painting of one of you church family people on display in the lobby last Sunday morning. The painting was done by a local artist as part of an art gallery exhibit. The person that was the focus of the painting? Our own John Baker. The painting is still on display for a time when you visit our church office during the week.

Today is the first day since we had our first service on this campus that the audio in the auditorium is being heard in the area of our Information Center at the same time. That means people like Joyce Faranda and Bob Hetzler who work at the Information Center can hear the progress of the service along with moms who step out of the service with a crying baby. Plus, those in our children’s ministries can hear the progress of the worship service to see if the pastor is still preaching or is done. Thank you Lynn Sapp and Paul Sapp and several others of you plus sound tech Steve Shoemaker of Steve Shoemaker Live Sound.

God’s best to you,

Pastor Richard