Take note of the special Easter season events here at Community that include communion on March 20 and Good Friday service here on campus.

Lillian Grass passed away on February 22. Details of her service are on the other page here. All I can say is WHAT A TEAM she and Jay made in their lives and service for the Lord.

Claudia and I are heading out to Phoenix, Arizona on Tuesday this week to be with our friends and former staff here at Community, Ed & Debbie Waken, and our Dodgers at their Spring Training Camp. We try to get over there and catch a few Spring Training games each year. We will be staying with Ed & Debbie and catch a game or two with them. We will be back here later in the week and plan to worship with you again on March 6th.

Our kids are preparing some special songs and words to share with us once again as we look forward to Palm Sunday on March 20 and also on Easter Sunday on March 27.

We continue our series on GROWTH IN THE FAITH today as we look at a pronouncement Jesus made in John 15. The message title is AN AUDIENCE OF ONE.

I know the men’s retreat is in April, but next time we gather in worship after today is March 6th and that is about 30 days until we head up the mountain to Forest Home and join with hundreds of other men from all over this region. Sign up with Larry Olguin today.

EXTRA PRAYERS for Lydia Salazar who is recovering from her recent stay at St Judes Hospital. Also extra prayers for Hector & Margie Martinez who are in Mexico with family for a funeral.

The Daily Bread devotional booklets beginning March 1 are available at the Information Center today.

God’s best to you,

Pastor Richard