A group of our kids came here on campus this week to practice for a special presentation to you for this morning. I’m looking forward toit.

I broke my glasses a few days ago and only wear them currently when I drive. I go in a few days to get thicker and bigger lenses (isn’t that how it goes for all of us?).

Tim Ramos and I opened God’s Word with you on February 7th to 2 Peter 3:18 as we began a mini-series on spiritual growth. We saw from the text that spiritual growth is 1) possible and 2) gradual and 3) gracious and 4) grouped. We take a Valentine’s Day break today and will resume the studies on spiritual growth on February 21.

2 Peter 3:18 is our verse for the year of 2016. We will visit the passage periodically during the next months.

WHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS VERSE FOR THE YEAR? It’s a great lesson. You can be the most skilled and talented person alive, but if you are running on empty, you are going to crash and burn. Refueling is one of the most important things in life. We teach it all the time. The most important thing you can do for your life and for your future and for your relationships is to keep your spiritual batteries recharged. And that is why we select a verse of the year that God uses to shape our lives and our church.

Our Scripture study today will be three important biblical passages on the topic of love.

Did your team win the Super Bowl? Claudia and I attended a Super Bowl party where one guy always claims the Oakland Raiders should have been in the Super Bowl (every year, can you believe it?). We had all the good foods and played Super Bowl Commercial Bingo.

Today is Valentine’s Day and we have already had the CE National Celebration and Willing Workers Weekend and Super Bowl and TK present a special seminar here on campus amongst other things. And there’s more to come.

God’s best to you,

Pastor Richard