The Jewish “feasts of the Lord” of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur have already been observed this month.The Jewish calendar reminds us that the
SUKKOT (Feast of Tabernacles) will take place on October 17-25, 2016.
I have prepared some brochures explaining about the Feast of Tabernacles and placed them at the Information Center for you to pick up today.
I took the opportunity on October 9th to share with you a message from 1 Thessalonians 5 titled JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THE COMING OF THE LORD. And now Tim Ramos and I are going to speak to the upcoming election FROM THE BIBLE on WHAT THE BIBLE HAS TO SAY ABOUT OUR GOVERNMENT AND THE UPCOMING ELECTIONS.
Plan now how you want to share the gospel on Halloween evening if you are giving our candy. I have some special attractive tracts we will use at our house that are a good read for elementary age kids. If you want to order a quantity I suggest you go to and order their tract titled, “A Halloween Quiz.” You can also order them through Amazon. I have put some samples for you on the table in the lobby. One per person. Contact me or the church office if you want to purchase one or more packs of 25 tracts in each pack. Cost is $5 for each packet of 25 tracts.
Claudia and I got away for a few days this past week up near Morro Bay and enjoyed some rest, cool weather and good food (thank you of your gifts of love at our church picnic). I took a paddle boarding lesson then proceeded to get a fever and stay sick for two days. We returned home safe and sound and am finally feeling better.
Pictures from the picnic are also on our church Facebook page. The Father-Son retreat photos are also on the church Facebook page.
God’s best to you,
Pastor Richard