by Pastor Richard
for the week beginning Sunday, August 9, 2015
Claudia and I returned home yesterday from being up in the local mountains for the week at Forest Home family camp. Some years a group of you families come with us. Speak with Claudia or myself if you are interested in attending with us in 2016. Forest Home is the same conference center that our Willing Workers and Men’s Retreat go to.
Our speaker at Summer Sunday on August 2 was Bob Hetzler. He led us through part of Romans 13. Our August 9 Summer Sunday is featuring three speakers which I believe will be a first for Summer Sundays. Don’t miss our time together as a family of God and our time in the Word of God. And thank you to whoever brought the Haagen Dazs ice cream.
Claudia and I invite you to join us tomorrow evening for the last 2015 Whittier Concerts in the Park series. Come enjoy the concerts in OUR FRONT YARD WITH US AND OTHERS (see ad in bulletin for details). This is one of those special times to bring friends and family to meet with others of your church family/community. Bring your dinner or purchase an El Tepeyac burrito.
I shared three mistakes we can all make about the Holy Spirit in my message on the Holy Spirit on August 2. The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to call attention to Jesus
and to make Christ great in our lives and in the church and in the world. So when too much attention gets focused on the Holy Spirit and Jesus is neglected then something is out of whack.
I started a SUMMER MEMORIES series on Sunday morning where I just give a glimpse of a good church family summer memory from earlier this summer. My first Summer Memory was from the Summer Sunday right after Vacation Bible School ended when our kids led us in singing one of their favorite VBS songs.
Tim Ramos and I are planning on a sermon series on the seven churches in Revelation 2-3. My sermon for August 9th is a one sermon glimpse at all seven churches that I have titled A MESSAGE FROM SEVEN CHURCHES FOR YOU AND I.
Buy your tickets today for our annual trip to the Quakes ball game on August 29. Tickets are $10 each (same price for adults and kids). See Ryan Todd.
God’s best to you,
Pastor Richard