by your "overheated" pastor
for the week beginning Sunday, August 30, 2015
We had a great day at our Summer Sunday Baptism on August 23. ISAAC SANDOVAL and KRISTINA LEONETTE were baptized as we heard them proclaim I LOVE JESUS MY LORD. I will show you a few pictures in our service but check out the other pictures on our church Facebook page.
A group of us were at the Quakes game in Rancho Cucamonga last evening (August 29). They never have room for COMMUNITY GRACE BRETHREN CHURCH WHITTIER on the big board in the field so I settled for COMMUNITY CHURCH WHITTIER. One time we were introduced as something like COMM GR BRETH CH OF WH (now I try to get the words spelled out completely. And you should have seen the kids and adults who did the traditional RUN ACROSS THE FIELD RACE.
My message today answers the question for all of God’s people, including me….CAN GOD BE TRUSTED? We will be walking with four people in the Bible that had been sent for execution.
Join me tonight at 5:30 in our Chapel for our end of summer HOUR OF SINGING FROM THE HYMNAL.
My message today is CAN GOD BE TRUSTED and is from the first chapter of the Old Testament book of Daniel.
Our next Summer Sunday is June 26, 2016. Mark your calendars now.
Back to School Sunday is scheduled for September 13.
I plan to share a special music today with you from a ministry that reaches out to at-risk youth in the British Isles.
Harvest Crusade concludes with its last service tonight at Angel Stadium in Anaheim. Get a group together and head out to hear a solid message from Pastor Greg Laurie.
Our 8109 Kids Club that meets during our worship service has added a new meeting room. Ask Director Margie Martinez for details.
We plan baptism services throughout the year as people are ready to be baptized. Just speak with your group leader or Larry Olguin any time.
God’s best to you,
Pastor Richard