A group of our youth were at the Fred Jordan Mission in downtown Los Angeles just yesterday in ministry. I hope we can get a report from them today on their project that many of you helped out with.
The special Sundays of Advent began November 29 and continue through our Christmas Eve service. Each Sunday before Christmas day one of you families will share the theme of the week, share a Scripture portion and lead us in prayer. Don’t miss any of these Advent times with the final presentation being our Christmas Eve service. Hector and Margie Martinez shared on the first Sunday. Ed and Joyce Faranda shared on December 6th. Paul & Andrea White family shared on December 13. Today we have another family sharing a special thought and prayer with us during our morning worship service. And the final presentation will be shared at our Christmas Eve service.
The Daily Breads for December, January and February are available at the Information Center today.
I will be asking you to join me in preparing a special video Christmas card in our worship service today to send to a few of our friends that will not be with us during the holidays. I wish we had time to do more of these but I will leave that to you.
Join us this Thursday evening at 6pm in the Lobby for our Christmas Eve family service. Bring kids and friends and family and neighbors. This is a family gathering for everyone singing the songs of Christmas and sharing and special prayer. Let me know if you or your family would like to share a Scripture or poem or song during our family gathering.
Pictures are on the monitor in the lobby from our Church family Christmas Party we held on December 6th.
Tim Ramos preached on December 13th, DESPERATE TIMES DON’T ALWAYS CALL FOR DESPERATE MEASURES. His message was from Psalm 34:6-8.
May the message of Christmas fill your life with joy and peace,
Pastor Richard